Problems with the GPS signal or loss of GPS on your Phantom 2 Vision is a worry and can lead to fly away issues or in the worse case, your drone crashing. This article and drone diy video below will show you how to improve the GPS signal on your Phantom 2 Vision+. You can look to use this solution on all Phantoms.
Loss of GPS signal appears to be a problem not just on Phantom drones but on all consumer drones. The problem can vary slightly and may not be entirely the manufacturers fault.
The Phantom really is a top quality quadcopter. Â Some of the best videos of beautiful scenery and adventure on YouTube are filmed using the Phantom And GoPro combination. Being outdoors and flying your Phantom should be an enjoyable past time. If your Phantom is having GPS problems regularly, it takes the fun out of flying and limits you to flying your Phantom close to where you can keep your eyes on it.
I hope this Drone DIY procedure is easy enough for you to implement and fixes the GPS issues. Then you can fly your Phantom and enjoy the experience which is what it is all about. Â Having fun flying your Phantom.